Danube:Island – the historical Danube
Ep. 14

Danube:Island – the historical Danube

Episode description

Industrial zone, local recreational area and sensitive ecosystem – the Danube is a reconfigured cultural landscape marked by stark contrasts. In collaboration with environmental historian and publicist Ortrun Veichtlbauer the Austrian artists Herwig Turk and Gebhard Sengmüller have chosen this as the starting point for their artistic research - as part of their project Danube:island.

Using the island as an artistic figure of thought, Turk and Sengmüller combine historical realities – such as the Strasserinsel, which existed in Linz until the 19th century – with current socio-political discourses on the utilization of the Danube region by means of an artificial island.

Tino and Mohamed from Higher Technical College for IT and Media in Leonding speak with Herwig Turk about the historical aspects of the Danube in Linz and how these historical aspects took place in the exhibition at Lentos New Arts Museum.

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